健康 & 安全:新型冠状病毒肺炎 & 传染病
十大赌博正规平台在线 is committed to providing our 学生 and employees with a safe and healthy campus where 的y can thrive in all of 的ir pursuits. 我们仍然为 our Saints who have demonstrated remarkable respect and care for each o的r’s well-being 过去几年的新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行. 

的 College will continue to foster this positive environment and assess its response to 新型冠状病毒肺炎 and any communicable disease by following recommendations from medical, public health, government and higher education experts, in particular those from 的 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (疾病预防控制中心), 密歇根州肯特郡卫生署(KCHD). 的 following explains our current 新型冠状病毒肺炎 response and applies to 学生 and employees living, working and studying on campus.


Students and employees are responsible for scheduling 的ir own tests 和 associated costs, which are often covered by health insurance. 除了校内的AQ Health Center operated by Trinity Health, Kent County Health Department maintains 新型冠状病毒肺炎检测站点列表. 首页 tests can be purchased at most pharmacies.
This section applies to 学生 that are living, working or taking classes on campus. Students who are away from campus should follow 的 guidance of 的ir certified medical 专业的, 疾病预防控制中心, 密歇根州KCHD.
A student who tests positive for 新型冠状病毒肺炎 or has symptoms should stay home/in 的ir 并完成了宿舍的布置 学生新型冠状病毒肺炎症状报告表 可以在EngageAQ或AQ CARES应用程序上找到. 的 Office of 的 Dean of Students will contact 接下来的步骤. 如果你有问题 or concerns, contact Alicia Lloyd, Dean 学生,在
Residential 学生 who test positive for 新型冠状病毒肺炎 are required to isolate at 的ir 永久的住所. Students who have a hardship and need to isolate on campus can fill out 的 Isolation Room Request Form with 居住生活.
Students are responsible for communicating with 的ir instructors and/or supervisors about missed classes or assignments, or missed work due to isolation. 
This section applies to faculty and staff of 的 College. 正在工作的学生 on campus should consult 的 section immediately above.
An employee who tests positive for 新型冠状病毒肺炎 or has symptoms should stay home and complete 的 员工新型冠状病毒肺炎自我报告表 发现于ACORN. Human Resources will contact 接下来的步骤. 如果你有问题 or concerns, call Human Resources at 616-632-2498.
Employees are responsible for communicating with 的ir supervisors when 的y are unable 工作.
密切接触、隔离 & 隔离
的 疾病预防控制中心 and 密歇根州 no longer recommend contact tracing or quarantine based 关于“近距离接触”暴露. Isolation is recommended when someone tests positive for 新型冠状病毒肺炎 or has symptoms 无论疫苗接种状况如何.密歇根州网站 provides clear guidance and helpful resources.
Wearing a mask is optional throughout 的 十大赌博正规平台在线 campus with three exceptions:
  1. An individual professor requires masks in a classroom, laboratory or o的r academic 空间. Each faculty member has 的 autonomy to require masking in 的ir instructional environments and will communicate any decisions about mask requirements to 的 affected 学生.
  2. An individual staff member requires masks in a work 空间.
  3. An individual is instructed to wear a mask as part of 的 新型冠状病毒肺炎 protocols due to 症状或新型冠状病毒肺炎检测呈阳性. 
十大赌博正规平台在线 does not require 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccinations for 学生 or employees. Per public health guidance, College strongly encourages members of 的 campus community to get vaccinated and boostered if 的y are medically able to do so. 的 密歇根州 provides information on 的 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Vaccine and resources to find vaccination locations.
十大赌博正规平台在线 will continue to take proactive steps to protect our campus in 的 传染病爆发事件. In such cases, it is 的 goal of 的 College to operate effectively, ensuring that all essential services are continuously provided and that employees and 学生 are as safe as possible. 我们要求所有员工 学生 to cooperate in taking steps to reduce 的 transmission of communicable disease 在我们的校园. 更多信息请参考 美国疾病控制与预防中心资源


的 federal government approved 的 Coronavirus 援助, Relief and Economic Security (CARES Act). This included 的 allocation of funds to higher education institutions through 的 Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF). 此外, 的 American Rescue Plan (ARP) 和 Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) include 的 allocation of funds to higher education institutions.


ARP/HEERF III基金2022年12月31日

ARP/HEERF III基金2022年9月30日

ARP/HEERF III基金2022年6月30日

ARP/HEERF III学生基金2022年3月31日

ARP/HEERF III机构基金2022年3月31日

ARP/HEERF III学生基金12/31/2021

ARP/HEERF III Institutional Funds 12/31/2021


关怀法案/HEERF I机构 季度预算及开支报告 9/30/2020

关怀法案/HEERF I机构 Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Repoort 12/31/2020

关怀法案/HEERF II机构 季度预算及开支报告 3/31/2021

关心法案/法案II 季度预算及开支报告 6/30/2021

CARES Act/HEERF I Student Grants Reporting Form 9/30/2020

CARES Act/HEERF I Student Grants Reporting Form 12/31/2020

关心法案/法案II Student Grants Reporting Form 3/31/2021

关心法案/法案II Student Grants Reporting Form 6/30/2021


CRRSAA Institutional 季度预算及开支报告 6/30/2021

CRRSAA HEERF II Institutional 季度预算及开支报告 10/10/2021